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Pretirement Planning: Making the Most of Your Career and Retirement

Pretirement Planning: Making the Most of Your Career and Retirement

ByMark TitusApr 4, 20237 Min Read Time

Reading Time: 5 minutesWorkforce changes and demographic shifts pave the way for a new working state dubbed pretirement. The concept of working until you’re 65 and then suddenly retiring has been the norm for generations.…

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What Are Robinhood Unsettled Funds

What Are Robinhood Unsettled Funds?

ByMark Titus2 years ago3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the trading and investment world, understanding the nuances of fund settlement is crucial. One such aspect that often arises in the context of trading platforms like Robinhood is the concept of Robinhood unsettled funds.  Unsettled funds…

What Happens if You Don't File Robinhood Taxes

What Happens if You Don’t File Robinhood Taxes?

ByMark Titus2 years ago6 min read

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhat happens if you don’t file Robinhood taxes? For starters, buying and selling stocks or other assets on Robinhood make you eligible for standard tax laws. In the United States, the IRS controls how much investors must…

Puts vs Shorts - What's the Difference

Puts vs Shorts – What’s the Difference?

ByMark Titus2 years ago6 min read

Reading Time: 4 minutesPuts and shorts are common strategies used to mitigate risk and profit from potential declines in stocks and securities. Understanding the difference in puts vs shorts is essential for traders interested in investing using two vastly different…

How to Add Money to Robinhood Without a Bank Account (2023)

How to Add Money to Robinhood Without a Bank Account (2023)

ByMark Titus2 years ago4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutesProspective investors interested in adding money to Robinhood without a bank account should know there are multiple ways to do so.  While linking a bank account is one of the more popular depositing options on Robinhood, it’s…

HOD Stock Meaning Explained All You Need to Know

HOD Stock Meaning Explained: All You Need to Know

ByMark Titus2 years ago6 min read

Reading Time: 4 minutesNavigating the vast and intricate finance and stock trading world can be challenging. It requires keeping up with trends and industry news and an extensive array of jargon that can be daunting for newcomers and seasoned investors…

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