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Editor’s Choice
Richest Man in Babylon Lessons
Reading Time: 3 minutesBooks on financial independence provide an alternative outlook on traditional forms of investing, saving, and managing money, and there are few better books than ‘The Richest Man in Babylon.’ The book is…
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A Guide to Investing in Cattle for Long-Term Gain
Reading Time: 11 minutesInvesting in cattle has been a cornerstone of agricultural economies for centuries. With the modern economy’s twists and turns, this age-old practice has gained new relevance for investors looking for tangible assets that offer long-term gains. This…
Is It Beneficial to Do a Double Major in Accounting and Finance?
Reading Time: 8 minutesEmbarking on the academic journey of higher education, especially within the vibrant and dynamic sphere of business, presents a myriad of pathways, each laden with its own set of promises and challenges. Among these, the decision to…
Is Finance a STEM Major?
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe categorization of academic disciplines plays a crucial role in shaping students’ career paths and opportunities. Among these disciplines, STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—stands out for its emphasis on innovation, problem-solving, and technical skills. However, as the…
Can You Write Off Money You Invest in a Business?
Reading Time: 4 minutesNavigating the financial landscape of business ownership brings to light a critical question: can the money you invest in your business be written off? The answer, rich in nuances, reveals a spectrum of tax strategies and benefits…
What Is a Nillionaire? Exploring the Concept and Its Implications
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe term “nillionaire” has gained attention in recent years, often used to describe individuals who project an affluent lifestyle despite having limited financial resources. This article aims to delve into the concept of nillionairism, its implications on…