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Barron’s vs WSJ: Which One Is Better?

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In this day and age, keeping up with the news is no easy task. Many news sources, diversified information, and biased outlets are shaping a playing field that is progressively becoming harder to navigate. It is precisely why comparisons between two or more news outlets, such as our topic – Barron’s vs WSJ, are becoming more frequent than ever. Nevertheless, such comparisons are mandatory, as readers must sift through their outlets of choice and find one that suits their needs.

Readers often use words like quality, trustworthiness, and price to describe these outlets and build a set of criteria. As we mentioned, it is no easy task, but people should try it. On the topic of Barron’s magazine and Wall Street Journal magazine, they are both similar yet different. These two financial news magazines are seen as some of the best in the business, and rightfully so. But people, generally, want to know what the best things are. As a result – Barron’s vs WSJ; which of these credible magazines is better?

Barron’s vs WSJ – An Overview of the Roots Of Both Financial and Business Magazines

Firstly, Barron’s and WSJ are financial news magazines that have withstood the test of time. Wall Street Journal has been around since 1889, whereas Barron’s magazine was founded in 1921. Both magazines started as outlets concerning business, finance, and market development. To this day, they have stuck to their roots. Although these outlets have ventured beyond their initial scope, they have focused on covering financial information.

Their similarities are a significant part of why Barron’s vs WSJ remains a popular topic of debate. It is also true that they have evolved beyond the scope of most magazines. Moreover, Barron’s and WSJ have succeeded in expanding their reach globally. They have even managed to bring younger readers on board. In a 2021 survey by Alexander Kunst, 22% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 29 claimed they had read the Wall Street Journal in the past two weeks – a feat that even fewer magazines have achieved.

Even without the statistics, there is a test that can immediately prove their popularity. If you were to ask ten people whether they have heard of Barron’s or WSJ, eight would probably know about them. Some of them will probably say that they read one or the other. To start the Barron’s vs WSJ debate, we must acknowledge that these two newspapers are household names. Now, what’s next?

Barron’s vs WSJ – Availability

The availability discussion with all magazines depends on what form you, the reader, are willing to read your magazine in. Barron’s and WSJ have digital and print versions, but there are some limitations to print. Regardless of the subscription, getting a print version might be a problem for some, as few magazines deliver abroad. However, assuming you are willing to go digital, the next thing you need to know about is the subscription fee.

It is worth mentioning that getting a Barron’s or a WSJ subscription is usually not something you need to spend a fortune on. Both Barron’s and WSJ have various subscription plans that often come at a discount. For example, new readers get a free trial or discount option from the start.

Barron’s vs WSJ – The Price

Currently, Barron’s has an introductory offer, which is essentially a 30-day free trial. After the trial, readers are charged $4.99 per month (for a limited time). Barron’s subscription entails access not only to their website but a mobile and tablet app as well.

Barrons subscription fee

WSJ has a similar offer. As a limited-time offer, new readers are given the chance to hop on a €2 per month plan for the first year. After the first year, however, the price goes up to €28.99 per month – significantly higher than Baron’s normal subscription, which is $4.99 per month. On the other hand, WSJ offers a mobile app, podcasts, featured interviews, and a selection of events, offers, and experiences.

In terms of the numbers on circulation, according to Amy Watson, Barron’s reported average paid circulation in 2021 is 920 thousand. However, Watson noted that in the same year, WSJ had an average circulation of around 3.5 million. In terms of numbers, the Barron’s vs WSJ debate is clear, but what about practical quality?

Barrons’ vs WSJ – Who Is It For?

Barron’s is a magazine that is tailored to investors. It advertently teaches its newer readers about investing in the stock market, while it gives its regular readers crucial bits and pieces about potential upcoming investment options. The magazine is also not burdened by a need to fill pages using subpar stories daily. It focuses on quality content at a weekly intervals. It does, nevertheless, have the feel of a specialized magazine which may not be for the casual reader.

The Wall Street Journal is similar but has sections outside the investment sphere. Unlike Barron’s, WSJ offers political and lifestyle insight. It does not mean it fails as an investment magazine, but it is not just about the investment sphere. WSJ can offer investors a more general view of contemporary events. While these events, by themselves, are not investment advice, a knowledgeable investor can use them to support future investments. Even so, the casual reader can get a lot out of the magazine, even without the investment aspect.

Both magazines offer solid investment information. After all, the Barron’s vs WSJ debate is not about which of the two is a financial magazine and which is not. It is about which of the two is better at being such a magazine. And which one is it, then?


Barron’s vs WSJ is not something that can be answered definitively. There are a lot of things to take into consideration, such as subscriptions and content types. As is the case with most publications, you (the reader) must judge whether you are willing to delve into the world of investing and need a magazine that allows no room for distractions or you would prefer to read a magazine that helps you keep in touch with present-day events and want to invest based on them. Despite their differences, both Barron’s and WSJ offer insightful investment options which are more than worth the subscription fee. Do not wait around for investment options to come to you – stay informed and look for them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is WSJ better than Barron’s?

Not necessarily. It is significantly more expensive, but also offers a broader scope of important events.

Is a WSJ subscription worth it?

If you are looking for a quality financial magazine that is not entirely focused on investment – yes.

Is Barron’s subscription worth it?

Given the quality of most articles and the immense focus on investment, it is worth the subscription.
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